Rent Control/List of Cities

Rent Control Ordinances - laws in some communities that, including but not limited to, limit or prohibit rent increases, or that limit the circumstances in which a tenant can be evicted.

The Buyer is hereby informed by CENTURY21 Alpha the herein property may be subject to Rent Control and/or other City or Country restrictions. Said may including but are not limited to, a limit on the amount of rent that can be charged, a limit on the number of occupants and may effect your right to terminate a tenancy. CENTURY 21 Alpha is not qualified to determine the effect of Rent Control and/or governmental restrictions on the desirability or financial benefits derived from ownership hereof. Buyer is further informed by CENTURY 21 Alpha not to remove any property condition contingencies until Buyer is completely satisfied with and understand the consequences of the above stated issues.

List Of Cities With Rent Control (Posted May 25, 2012)
Beverly Hills
East Palo Alto
Los Angeles
Los Gatos
Palm Springs
San Francisco
San Jose
Santa Monica
Thousand Oaks
West Hollywood
Westlake Village
Note: This clause is also in the income property section.

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